openSUSE:WebYaST Packaging

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Packaging WebYaST

Preparing packages

From within your git checkout use rake package (resp. rake package_local if you have uncommited changes) will create required files (tarball and spec file) in the package sub-directory.



  1. a buildservice account
  2. osc, the buildservice command line client

Once you have a buildservice account, install osc e.g. using zypper in osc.

Checkout the package(s) you're interested in

 osc co YaST:Web/package_name

or the complete project

 osc co YaST:Web

Create a directory to cache already built packages and save its path in an environment variable

 export RPMDIR=/tmp/rpms
 mkdir $RPMDIR

(if you're building for several distributions, create one directory per distribution. I.e. rpms-11.2 and rpms-sle11)

Go to the package directory

 cd <whereever>

since osc build must be called from where the .spec file is.

Now build the package(s) and copy the resulting rpm files to the local directory.

 osc build -p $RPMDIR -k $RPMDIR

(-p will prefer packages from this directory. -k will kopy built packages to this directory.)


Building all required packages in the right dependency order is called bootstrapping.

  • liboping
  • libstatgrab
  • collectd
  • ruby-dbus
  • ruby-polkit
  • ruby-rpam
  • rubygem-yast2-webservice-tasks
  • yast2-core
  • yast2-dbus-server
  • rubygem-test-unit
  • rubygem-restility
  • yast2-webservice